ision IAS is famous for the quality test series they produce. Their test series are being followed by maximum aspirants inside and outside Delhi
- Constitutional & Non Constitutional Bodies
- Elections and political parties: problems and processes
- Electoral politics
- Working of the political system since independence
- Governance Good Governance, e-Governance
- Transparency & Accountability
- RTI, Citizen’s Charter & AntiCorruption
- Civil Society, People participation
- Reforms: Police Reform, Administrative Reform, Judicial
Reform, Political Reform etc. - Social Audit
- Public Policy: Making, Implementation, Evaluation and monitoring
It contains both question paper and answer sheet with explanation seperately.
Total No. of Booklet - 1
Total No. of Pages - 353
Seller: Notesduniya
MRP: ₹ 353
Price: ₹
Total Savings: ₹ 92 (26%)